When we look at the hen parties, apparently it seems like it is a simple thing, and no planning is required. However, if you want to throw a good party and do not want to repeat the mistakes which people make in this regard, you should ensure that you have learnt about these common issues and have managed those before the planning stats. It is really especially important to plan the party in an effective way, because it is going to be a one-time event for the bride-to-be, and she deserves to enjoy in the best manner. People plan the hen party without thinking about the budget, and at the end they are supposed to compromise on the hen party games or the selected menu. In order to avoid these things, you must ensure that you have learnt about the mistakes people make in this regard and should ensure that you do not do the same things while throwing a party for your best friend.

Planning mistakes to avoid
Following are the hen party planning mistakes which you must avoid in order to get maximum fun at the party

• People do not consider what the bride wants – This is for the bride, and she should be the one to decide the final things. Some people do not ask many things from the bride, in a hope to keep things a secret and surprise!
• People include too many ideas for a single party – Hen parties have limited time, as these are planned before wedding and there are too many things to do! You should not include a lot of things and should add those games and activities only which are practically possible.
• People let too many planners to jump in! Do not let a lot of people plan for the party. Take the charge and include only those who are actually required!